3 DIY Home Improvement Projects You Can Complete Before Thanksgiving

3 DIY Home Improvement Projects You Can Complete Before ThanksgivingIt’s the time of year when many people are making their holiday plans: booking travel, making shopping lists, and getting their home ready for guests. Hiring a house cleaner, having the carpets steamed, and buying new furniture ahead of the holiday season are all common, but what about completely updating a room (or two)?

It’s easy to think that home improvement projects are too expensive or will take several weeks or even months to complete. However, there are several simple, affordable do-it-yourself projects that can be completed in a weekend to give outdated rooms a fresh new look — in plenty of time to host holiday guests. 

Refinish Kitchen Cabinets The Easy Way

Painting cabinets is an excellent way to totally transform a kitchen. This fun budget-friendly project can be done in a weekend or spread out over a couple of weeks if necessary. With adequate preparation and attention to detail, the “new” cabinets will look great for years to come.

Minimal supplies are necessary for this project and there is no limit to the looks that can be created using different paint colors, stains, and seals.

Create A Shiplap Accent Wall

Arguably one of the most popular home decor trends is the rustic farmhouse look, and shiplap is at the center of that. Using basic tools that are likely already in the garage and some plywood from the local hardware store, it’s easy to create a unique shiplap wall and dramatically change the look of a room.

The most fun part about DIY shiplap is that it’s so customizable. Use reclaimed or pallet wood, paint unfinished planks, or try using boards cut to different lengths. 

Update Flooring With Vinyl Or Laminate

Replacing outdated flooring is perhaps the biggest bang-for-the-buck DIY project that can drastically freshen up a space. Changing the floors in even one room can have a tremendous impact on the look of the entire home. 

With so many budget-friendly options such as click-together laminate panels and peel-and-stick vinyl tiles, choose different looks for different rooms or go for one cohesive look throughout the house.

Giving a home an entirely new look doesn’t have to involve a complicated renovation project. Major home improvement stores and websites have step-by-step tutorials to make it as simple as a few coats of paint and some elbow grease.

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in refinancing your current property, be sure to contact your trusted home mortgage professional to discuss current financing options.

4 Cool Green Material Ideas For Your New Home

4 Cool Green Material Ideas For Your New HomeIf climate change is foremost in your mind, you may be interested in reducing your new home’s carbon footprint. Choosing green materials is one way to promote sustainability and ensure you’re doing your part to help the planet.

Green Flooring 

Flooring takes up all the square feet throughout your home. If you can opt for green flooring that will do a lot to reduce your new home’s carbon footprint. Bamboo is a sustainable flooring option to consider. Bamboo grows at a rate that far outpaces any hardwood. For that reason, it’s become a popular choice for homeowners looking for green material options. Bamboo flooring now comes in a wide variety of colors, textures and styles. You’re sure to find something that matches with your style and décor.

Green Insulation

It’s now easier than ever to find green insulation options at just about any hardware stores. Green insulation is frequently made up of recycled fabric. The benefit above being sustainable is that there is no fiberglass to worry about getting into your skin or lungs. Green insulation is available in the same forms as some other kinds of insulation, including as a rolled up “blanket” that can be trimmed to match your insulation spaces.

Green Countertops

Countertops are often made of stone and granite, which may be considered green materials. However, the processing of such materials and the energy needed to transport them from the source to your home may not be so green. Consider investing in concrete countertops for your kitchen and bathroom. Concrete is a renewable and sustainable green material. Concrete countertops can be created in the same general location as your new home. They are mold and pest-resistant, fire resistant and offer a permanent countertop solution for those who are eco-conscious. 

Green Roofing

Green roofing is harder to find, but in most areas, eco-conscious homeowners still have plenty of options. One such option is to have a copper or metal roof. While copper and other metals do require a labor-intensive process to extract from the earth, they last far longer than traditional roofing materials. Your copper or metal roof could last for a lifetime or more, whereas traditional roofs typically only last a maximum of 20 years. 

These green material ideas for your new home will ensure that your home is leaving as small a carbon footprint as possible. For more green material ideas, contact your local contractor. 

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in refinancing your current property, be sure to contact your trusted home mortgage professional to discuss financing options.


Using Smart Home Technology To Help Sell It

Using Smart Home Technology To Help Sell ItSmart home technology is useful for many reasons. It improves security, helps improve energy-efficiency, and makes it more convenient for the home’s occupants. There is also a new trend in the use of smart home technology as a sales tool to help sell a home or a condominium.

A real-estate agency in Atlanta, Georgia is using Alexa® devices, along with nicely-framed display cards, to help prospective buyers learn more about a condominium that is for sale in the Districts Lofts building.

There are now more than 53 million personal assistant devices, such as the Alexa® device from Amazon and the Google Assistant®, which are in use. Many people are very comfortable using them to ask questions and get the answers spoken back to them in a calm, soothing voice.

Alexa® Tell Me More

The innovative trend in home sales is to place an Alexa® device in each room, preprogrammed with the answers to frequently asked questions. Display cards that sit on the counter next to the Alexa® device encourage the potential buyer to says things like “Alexa, tell me about the kitchen.” or “Alexa, what are the amenities in the neighborhood?”

These systems work with chatbot technology that uses artificial-intelligence, voice-recognition programming to understand the questions and provide the answers from a stored database of information. Also, if the chatbot cannot answer the question, the Alexa® device can connect the potential buyer to a live human operator to answer the question.

Friendly, Effective, And Cost-Efficient

Using the Alexa® device and similar devices can be less intimidating for many people than having to speak with a human salesperson. These devices can deliver the answers in a professional and consistent way.

Not needing to have a human being waiting around for a potential customer saves an enormous amount of labor expense and time. Moreover, the Alexa® device can be always available for extended hours to show a model unit when it is convenient for potential customers.


Using Alexa® devices to better inform potential buyers is interesting. The devices can be preprogrammed with all the information needed and can also collect customer information, which the customers voluntarily give, for follow-up purposes.

After Alexa® answers all a potential buyer’s questions, it can then ask them if they would like a brochure emailed to their email address to build up a mailing list for the real estate agency. This kind of personalized customer service, using advanced technology, is the wave of the future for real estate sales.

Of course, technology can only go so far. Your professional real estate agent and mortgage lender are the best resource for making a decision on which home is the right one for you and helping you negotiate your best deal.