Pros And Cons Of Installing A Pet Door

Pros And Cons Of Installing A Pet DoorIf you’ve just moved into your new home and you have a pet, you may be thinking of installing a pet door. A pet door is a permanent door feature that is cut into the bottom third of an entry door. Before making a permanent alteration to your door, consider the pros and cons of installing a pet door. 

Pro: Your Pet Can Come And Go As Needed

A pet door could cut down on indoor pet accidents if that’s a problem you’ve had to deal with in the past. This is especially convenient if you get home late to let the dog out, or if they have a temporary gastric illness that requires more frequent outings. 

Con: An Unwanted Visitor Could Get Inside

Pet doors are designed to give egress to pets, but your pet door might give indoor access to an unwanted animal. It’s not common, but it does occur, particularly in areas where wildlife is abundant.

Pro: You Could Do Without A Litter Box

Cats can be trained to go outdoors instead of using a litter box. With a pet door, you can dispense with the odorous litter box entirely, knowing your cat will always be able to take care of business outside.

Con: It’s Something Else You Must Remember To Lock

Most pet doors have a locking mechanism for times when you need to secure the home, such as at night. But this is just one more thing you’ll have to remember to do, along with setting the alarm and locking windows. And, the more you have to remember, the more you could forget.

Pro: Better Energy Efficiency

Anyone with pets knows that they can ask to go out and come back in numerous times per day. Every time you open the door you’re letting hot air in, cooled air out, or vice versa. With a pet door, your conditioned air stays in the home much better because there’s a smaller opening, and less time spent with the door open.

Con: New Homebuyers Might Not Want It

If you ever sell your home, the new homebuyers might see a pet door as a negative. Since a quality new door costs around $500, they could ask for a price discount on the home purchase.

A pet door can be a huge convenience, but there are some drawbacks as you can see. However, depending on your view (and the opinion of your pet!) the pros may outweigh the cons.

If you are interested in buying a new home or refinacing your current property, be sure to contact your trusted home mortgage professional to discuss your current financing options.



The Benefits Of Adding An In-Law Apartment To A Home

The Benefits Of Adding An In-Law Apartment To A HomeOne renovation that may add value to a home is an in-law apartment. Even if a homeowner does not have any relatives, an in-law apartment makes wonderful guest accommodations. It is possible to rent it when unoccupied to earn some money.

Homeowners who rent out part of a home need to check with their insurance agent to upgrade insurance to accommodate commercial use of a part of the home.

Additionally, a person staying in an in-law apartment, who is not a member of the owner’s household, may need to get renter’s insurance to cover any personal property kept in the in-law apartment.

Renovation Plans

An in-law apartment may be in a basement or attic. Creating one is possible as a home addition, a garage makeover, or as a tiny house in the backyard.

Check the building regulations for the area where the home is. It is wise to get the proper building permits needed for the construction. Work done without permits usually does not add value when reselling because it creates a liability.

Some people make an in-law without having to do major renovations if partitioning the house is possible. It may be possible to separate an area to create an in-law apartment if the house has an extra bedroom with a connected bathroom.

If no existing part of the home is suitable for remodeling, then adding an addition is an option. A better choice for a backyard that usually increases the resale value is building an in-law cottage rather than investing in installing a swimming pool. Some people may prefer having in-law accommodations when compared to the cost of maintaining a swimming pool.

Multiple Uses For An In-Law Apartment

Almost everyone has a use for an in-law apartment. This is why they are attractive to potential home buyers. Children can stay with parents as they become adults. Elderly parents can live with their children. Couples without children can use the room as a home office. Single people can rent out the space to help pay the bills.

Use of the space may change over time, so be sure to think creatively about the space. The value-added for having this space is the privacy it allows. Living together is normally easier when the parties also have some privacy.

Having a private bathroom, a separate entrance, and a kitchenette in the in-law apartment covers all the needs. This allows the space to be self-contained.


Consider adding an in-law apartment for the convenience, potential improvements in the resale value of the home, and to reduce the expense of supporting family members who live elsewhere and pay rent for an apartment to others.

If adding additional space for in-laws or guests sounds like a good fit for your family, you may want to consider accessing some of your home equity funds to cover the cost of renovation. Be sure to contact your trusted home mortgage professional for current financing options.

7 New Home Upgrades that Could Save Your Life

7 New Home Upgrades that Could Save Your LifeOne of the best things about moving into a new home is personalizing it and really making it yours. From hanging wall art to arranging furniture to finding the perfect spot for your grandmother’s hand crocheted afghan, it’s a real joy to decorate.

But are you forgetting about the big investment you just made? Consider the following important home upgrades that will protect your home and your family.

1. Smoke Alarm

Take an afternoon and upgrade all your new home’s smoke alarms. Smoke alarms save lives and it’s not worth it to assume that just because it’s there it’s working. 

2. Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Do the same upgrade with your carbon monoxide alarm. If your new home doesn’t yet have one, go ahead and pick up the latest model. Even if your home has all electric appliances, it’s worth it to have this added protection.

3. Trim Bushes

It’s lovely to have a home that’s nestled behind evergreens, but you should know that this gives intruders easy cover around the perimeter of your home. Trim bushes so they are no more than four feet high so intruders have nowhere to hide.

4. Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting adds to the curb appeal of your home and also deters intruders. Install solar lighting to highlight attractive areas and motion sensor lighting around windows and doors. 

5. Security System

Consider enrolling in a security alarm system for your new home. Several companies offer this option. These systems come with cameras that you can have in/or around your home. The mere presence of cameras is often enough to ward off unwanted persons. 

6. Fire Extinguishers

Stock every room with a fire extinguisher. Many times people only put these in the kitchen, but a candle or electrical fire can break out anywhere, including the garage. This isn’t technically an upgrade, but this could save your live and your property.

7. Door Alarm

If you have children, consider installing a door alarm on your sliding patio doors. This is especially helpful if you have a backyard swimming pool. A door alarm can be picked up at the local hardware store and installed within minutes if you’re even a little bit handy.

These seven tips will help to ensure that both you and your home are well-protected. After this, you can get back to decorating comforted by the knowledge that you’ve taken care of the important points first.

Another way to protect your family is to be sure that you have the best financing options available by staying in contact with your trusted home mortgage professional.