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Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Slows in April

Case Shiller Home Price Growth Slows in AprilThe S&P Case-Shiller Index for April shows that while home prices continue to grow, they are doing so at a slower pace as compared to April 2013. The Case-Shiller 20 city index reports that home prices expanded at a year-over-year annual rate of 10.80 percent as compared to 12.40 percent in April 2013.

Month-to-month data showed that home prices rose for the second consecutive month. The seasonally- adjusted month-to-month growth rate for the 20 city home price index was 0.20 percent against March’s month-to-month home price growth rate of 1.20 percent.

Slower Home Price Growth: A Silver Lining?

According to the Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index 19 of 20 cities posted slower growth rates for home prices in April. Analysts say that this may not be all bad news as rapidly rising home prices, a shortage of available homes and stringent mortgage credit requirements have caused would-be buyers to be sidelined. Inventories of available homes are increasing which should help more buyers enter the market.

David M. Blitzer, chair of the S & P Dow Jones Indices Committee said that last year, some sun belt cities posted annual home price growth rates near 30 percent, but this year, the maximum annual home price growth rates are lower than 20 percent for all cities on a seasonally adjusted annual basis.

Month-to-month price growth was described as seasonally strong. Five cities posted month-to-month price gains of two percent or more.

Seven of the 20 cities included in the 20-city index posted slower rates of home price growth in April than for March: Cleveland, Ohio, Las Vegas, Nevada, Los Angeles California, Miami, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona and San Diego, California were included in this group. Boston, Massachusetts posted a 2.70 percent gain in home prices between March and April; this was the city’s largest month-to-month gain since the inception of the 20-City Index.

Lower mortgage rates, more homes on the market, and a recent statement by the Federal Reserve that it did not expect to raise its target federal funds rate until mid-2015 are seen as factors that are helping to stabilize housing markets.

FHFA Reports Home Price Gain Rate Unchanged in April

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) that oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reported that home prices connected with mortgages owned or backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rose by 0.70 percent, which was the same pace in month-to-month home price growth as for March. Year-over-year, home prices rose by 5.90 percent.

On a seasonally-adjusted month-to-month basis, home prices ranged from -1.3 percent in the New England division to +0.60 percent in the East South Central division. Year-over-year, home prices in the nine census divisions increased at rates between 1.70 percent for the Mid-Atlantic division to 10.70 percent for the Pacific division.

The peak home-buying season during spring and summer months and labor market performance will likely be strong influences on home price growth in the coming months.

Starting to Shop for a Mortgage? How to Assess Your ‘Debt-to-Income Ratio’ and Why This Number Matters

Starting to Shop for a Mortgage? How to Assess Your 'Debt-to-Income Ratio' and Why This Number MattersThose who are looking to buy a home may want to start by shopping for a loan first. Having financing ahead of time may make it easier to get sellers to take a buyer seriously and help move along the closing process. For those who are looking to get a mortgage, the most important factor for having a mortgage application approved is the debt-to-income ratio of the borrower.

What Is a Debt-to-Income Ratio?

A debt-to-income ratio is simply the percentage of debt compared to the amount of income that a person brings in. If a person brought home $1,000 a month and had $500 worth of debt, that person would have a DTI of 50 percent. To improve the odds of getting a home loan, experts recommend that potential borrowers keep their DTI under 43 percent.

What Debt Will Lenders Look At?

The good news for borrowers is that lenders will disregard some debt when calculating a borrower’s DTI. For example, a health insurance premium would not be considered as part of your DTI while, and income is calculated on a pre-tax basis. This means that a borrower doesn’t have to factor in taxes when calculating their qualifying income.

What lenders will look at are any installment loan obligations such as auto loans or student loans as well as any revolving debt payments such as credit cards or a home equity line of credit. In some cases, a lender will disregard an installment loan debt if the loan is projected to be paid off in the next 10-12 months.

What Is Considered as Income?

Almost any source of income that can be verified will be counted as income on a mortgage application. Those who receive alimony, investment income or money from a pension or social security will have that money included in their monthly income when they apply for a loan. Wage income is also considered as part of a borrower’s monthly qualifying income. Self-employed individuals can use their net profit as income when applying for a mortgage. However, many lenders will average income in the current year with income from previous years.

How Much Debt Is Too Much Debt?

Many lenders will only offer loans to those who have a debt-to-income ratio of 43 percent. However, government backed loans may allow borrowers who have a DTI of 50-55 to qualify for a loan depending on their income and other factors. Talking to a lender prior to starting the mortgage application process may be able to help a borrower determine if his or her chosen lender offers such leeway.

A borrower’s DTI ratio may be the biggest factor when a lender decides whether to approve a mortgage application. Those who wish to increase their odds of loan approval may decide to lower their DTI by increasing their income or lowering their debt. This may make it easier for the lender and the underwriter to justify making a loan to the borrower.

The FHA Hawk Program for New Homebuyers is Coming: Here’s How It Affects Your Mortgage Insurance Premiums

The FHA Hawk Program for New Homebuyers is Coming: Here's How It Affects Your Mortgage Insurance PremiumsThe FHA offers many new programs and incentives for new homebuyers to take advantage of so that they can be part of the effort to ease the credit crisis. If you are in the process of shopping for a mortgage prior to shopping for your new home, it can benefit you to learn about programs that you may qualify for that are being created by the Federal Housing Administration and piloted.

One such plan, which has been approved as a four-year pilot program, is referred to as the FHA HAWK Program. Read on to learn how this program works and how it can affect mortgage insurance premiums.

What Is The HAWK Pilot Program?

The FHA HAWK program, which stands for Homeowners Armed With Knowledge, is designed to help first-time homebuyers make educated decisions when borrowing and buying a home. Individuals who are eligible to participate must qualify and meet the definition of first-time home buyer.

They will also be required to complete a housing counseling and education program that is available through HUD where they will learn financial information that can help them make smart home buying decisions.

Some of the topics covered in the educational program include: how to better manage finances, mortgage options, how to evaluate affordability, and understanding your rights and the responsibilities that come with homeownership. Upon completion of the program, the applicant can submit their application for an FHA-insured mortgage and receive specific FHA mortgage insurance pricing incentives that will lower premiums.

What Type of Mortgage Insurance Incentive Will You Receive?

Once you participate in the program, the Federal Housing Administration will give all of the borrowers who qualify for the incentive a mortgage insurance premiums incentive by applying a 50 basis point reduction in the upfront premiums and a 10 point reduction in the annual premium starting at the time the loan originated.

As long as the borrower stays in good standing with their lender, they will receive these incentives and fee reductions for the life of the loan. This brings the upfront premiums down from 1.75 percent to a more manageable 1.25%. Add in the fact that you are saving on annual premiums that range between.45 and 1.55 percent, and you can see how beneficial this program can be over the period of 30 years. Finance experts predict that the average buyer will see a savings of $325 per year, which is a savings of $9800 over a 30 year loan term.

The FHA is piloting this new HAWK program in an effort to reduce delinquency of borrowers who borrow from FHA-insured lenders and to also reduce the costs of loan processing. By offering first-time homebuyers a discount to learn about the market, the FHA is trying to battle the ongoing credit crisis and in the same time service more educated buyers. If you would like to learn more about how you can reduce the mortgage insurance premiums that you pay initially and throughout the life of your loan, contact your trusted mortgage agent and discuss your options when it comes to the HAWK program.

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