Landlord Squeezing You for yet Another Rent Increase? It’s Time to Buy a Starter Home

Landlord Squeezing You for yet Another Rent Increase? It's Time to Buy a Starter HomeDid you recently receive your annual notice that the rent is going up? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of renters are seeing more and more of their income drained away due to higher rents. To make matters worse, every dollar in rent is one that you are not saving, investing or using to build your net worth. If you’re feeling the pinch of higher rents, it might be time to buy your first starter home.

Comparing Rent With A Mortgage

Have you ever done the math to understand how close your monthly rent might be to a mortgage payment? Here’s a quick and easy exercise. Multiply your monthly rent by twelve, and then multiply that number by 25. For example, if your rent is $1000 per month, that is $12,000 per year and $300,000 over 25 years. So if nothing changed from today, you could afford a $300,000 mortgage.

Homes Are More Affordable Than You Think

Many first-time home buyers are convinced that they can’t afford to enter the market, but that is not the case. There are homes available that fit almost every budget or price range. In fact, it is less important to worry about the total cost and more important to worry about location, size and local amenities like schools and parks.

Remember, when you buy a house you aren’t just locking yourself into a rental contract. You are investing in a home and property have the potential to gain in value over time.

A Few Other Considerations

Of course, there are some considerations that you will need to make as you start down the path to homeownership. The first is that your mortgage is unlikely to be your only monthly expense. You will also encounter property and other taxes, utility fees and if you buy a condominium or apartment, homeowners’ association fees. You will also be responsible for maintenance and upkeep since you own the home. But that also means that you are free to customize and renovate as you see fit.

Keep in mind that it is never too late to escape the rental trap. When you’re ready to start building your future by investing in your first home, contact us. Our experienced mortgage team is happy to share financing options that will suit your budget.

The Quick and Easy Guide to Finding the Right Builder to Construct Your Dream Home

The Quick and Easy Guide to Finding the Right Builder to Construct Your Dream HomeAre you in the market for a new house? If so, you may be considering having a custom-home designed and built to your specifications. There is no better way to get exactly what you want in a house than to have it built from scratch.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at our quick and easy guide to finding the right builder to construct your dream home.

Have Ideas In Mind Before You Start

Try to have some ideas in mind before you contact a builder. For example, how many bedrooms do you want? Are you interested in a two-car garage? Do you want a suite in the basement or elsewhere on the property for rental purposes? What about an office, workshop, media room, home gym or other amenities? Invest a bit of time in crafting a list, and your builder can help design a home that fits.

Find A Builder Before You Buy Land

At first, meeting with and securing a home builder before having a plot of land might seem premature. After all, you still don’t even know where you want them to build your house! But, in fact, this is the best way to go. A good home builder can help you understand permit rules, city or county regulations, which utilities are available in the area and more. Once they understand precisely what you are looking for in your dream home, they will be able to make an honest assessment of any particular lot. This alone can save you a significant amount of both time and money.

Verify Licensing, References And Past Work

Once you have settled on a potential builder, it is time to start the due diligence process. Ask the builder and any sub-contractors for their license details to ensure they are certified to do the work. Try to chat with at least 1-2 past references as well so you can get an idea of what it’s like to work with them.

Get All The Details In Writing

Finally, there are few financial transactions in life that should be done on a handshake and this is no exception. Your builder is going to have a contract that they will ask you to sign. Have your attorney look this document over and have them add in any specifics that are important to you.

A new construction home can be the ultimate in comfort, convenience, and luxury. When you’re ready to learn more about financing your new home, contact us today.

Did You Know: Why New Construction Homes Are A Top Choice For Today’s Home Buyer

Did You Know: Why New Construction Homes Are A Top Choice For Today's Home BuyerAre you in the market for a new house? If so, you may have been comparing your options when it comes to open listings on the local market. One decision you will need to consider: do you want to purchase an existing home or build a new one? Let’s explore a few reasons why new construction homes are a popular choice for today’s home buyer.

A Home Designed (By You) With The Future In Mind

Ask anyone who has recently invested in a brand-new home, and many will share that all of the built-in technology was an essential factor. Today’s homes are designed with the future in mind. High-speed networking, better wireless connectivity, high-tech security and other features are all benefits that typically can’t be found in older homes.

Of course, don’t forget that you play a role in the design choices in a new construction home. It is your chance to design all of the features you would want in a dream house.

Energy And Cost Efficient

As you might imagine, homes constructed with modern designs and materials are vastly more energy than older homes. Tighter seals, better insulation and more efficient heating and cooling all translate to lower utility costs. Moreover, while the savings per day might seem small, over time, they add up. Leaving more money in your pocket for investment, saving or other purposes.

If you want to take it a step further, you may even decide to expand your new construction home with solar panels or other high-efficiency upgrades.

Less Maintenance Means More Free Time

Finally, you can sleep soundly knowing that a new construction home needs far less maintenance work than an older home. Of course, there will still be the occasional job that needs taking care of. So you will want to be diligent in fixing up any damage or issues that do occur so that the problem does not spread. But overall, you can expect to spend less of your free time repairing things and more of it relaxing and enjoying life.

These are just a few of the many great reasons to invest in a brand-new home. To learn more about financing a new construction home, contact us today. Our professional team is happy to discuss your needs.